Inaccurate order details
Before the shipment is shipped, you can change the delivery address or any other order details at any moment after the order has been generated. To amend the order details, we will endeavour to confirm and bargain with the logistics provider. Please be aware that modifying an item that has already left our warehouse and is in transit may not be possible or will take more time and money.
Delivery time
Depending on where you are, we ship internationally from several fulfilment centres, which affects the shipping time. For purchases shipped with standard delivery, please see the following approximate shipping times: 3–10 business days in the US and 6–10 business days for the UK, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, and Greece. The Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia, and Norway: 7–12 business days. France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Spain, and the United States: 7–12 business days. Poland, Luxembourg, Ireland, Bulgaria, and Croatia take 8–15 business days. The delivery period for items that aren't in stock right now might last up to 20 business days. During several statutory holidays, we don't ship. Please get in touch with us through email if you require more information on the precise shipment delivery time to a certain location.
Although it looks like your order was delivered, you did not get it.
Please take the following action if your waybill number indicates delivery on the website of the transportation provider but you haven't received it: Ask whether your family members signed the receipt, and look to see if any other family members are signing it in your home. When calling the transportation company to report the loss of a package, be sure to include the order certificate and the logistics carrier's tracking code, as well as your confirmation that the package is missing. This will allow the transportation company to begin an investigation as soon as possible. Customers who have not signed for a while and the courier has not received the sign are not the responsibility of Jeallis for a long time.
Please be mindful of the delivery window and sign for it promptly. Please get in touch with us as soon as you can if the shipment is misplaced. We're going to look into it. The inquiry and confirmation with the transportation business would take at least 30 days. Provide the transport company documentation to use in the inquiry. To guarantee that you may get your package without incident, please keep up with the most recent changes in logistics after submitting the tracking number.
Shipping caveats
In long-distance transportation, unforeseen events will inevitably prevent the delivery of the transportation on time. Extreme weather, catastrophic occurrences, and the effects of the recently emerging crown virus might all result in unanticipated shipment delays. I'm hoping you will appreciate how powerless I feel as a result of these inescapable circumstances. Please provide the information so that we may contact you at any time. Condition. Some carriers might not speak to you on the phone and instead deliver packages to your home or mailbox. If the item is not signed for, it can be delivered to the neighbourhood post office, and you will need to contact them to be sure or go pick it up in person. Every service and piece of advice will strive to provide you with a positive buying and service experience. I'm hoping you'll help me.
How can I see where my order is in the process?
Please wait 3-5 business days after placing your order for our system to complete it. Depending on your location, delivery times might range from 5 days to 30 days. Our fulfilment warehouses pack your ordered item(s) and send the package(s) out as soon as feasible. You will be notified via email once your purchase has been sent. Either send us a message through Facebook Messenger or send us an email at info Facebook to get your tracking number, and we will give it to you. Please get in touch with us right away if you haven't received your order or any updates on it; we'll do everything we can to look into it.
How long does it take to deliver?
Please allow up to 5 working days for the processing of your purchase and another 3 days for shipping. We have fulfilment centres throughout the world. Once your purchase has been completed, it will take between 5 and 30 working days to deliver domestic orders in the United States and the United Kingdom. Please allow up to 30 working days for orders from outside the United States. Please carefully verify the information on your order to ensure that the mailing address is accurate.
Please get in touch with us right away if you need to modify your address after placing an order. After we have sent your items, we are unable to alter your shipping information or cancel your order. You will be responsible for paying additional shipping fees if a package is returned due to an incorrect address. If incorrect shipping information has been supplied, we cannot be held responsible for items sent to the incorrect address.
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